User Guide
- 1. Before Installation
- 2. Installation
- 3. Launch SimSANs Agent and Console
- 4. Launch SimSANs Engine
- 5. Terminate SimSANs Engine
- 6. Create New SimSANs Engine
- 7. Configure SimSANs Engine
- 8. Monitor Live SimSANs Engine Run
Before installing SimSANs package, user should familiarize with the following terms:
- SimSANs Engine (Engine): The OMNeT++ based SimSANs simulation instance.
- SimSANs Management Agent (Agent): The utility to directly control and operate Engine by accepting the commands from Console.
- SimSANs Management Console (Console): The GUI tool to remotely control and operate Engine via Agent.
- Backend Agent Host: The host running Engines and Agent utility that communicates with frontend Console host via TCP.
- Frontend Console Host: The host running Console GUI that communicates with backend Agent host via TCP.
- Online Engine: The simulation Engine that is currently running on the Agent host.
- Offline Engine: The simulation Engine that is not yet launched.
It is always recommended that the Console and Agent are launched from separate hosts, however, they are allowed to run from the same host.
User needs to install both Console package and Agent/Engine package before launching simulations.
- Create Root Directory: Currently SimSANs v3 only runs on Windows platforms. Assuming the root directory to install the packages is C:\SimSANs_v3_Root\ for both Console host and Agent host.
- Install Console Package: In Console host, copy to the root directory and unzip it. This will add Console binary SimSANs_v3_MgmtConsole.exe in the root directory. It is suggested to create a shortcut for the binary.
- Install Agent/Engine Package: In Agent host, copy to the root directory and unzip it. This will add Agent and Engine binaries in the root directory. It is suggested to create a shortcut for the Agent binary SimSANs_v3_MgmtAgent.exe.
- (Option) Run Console and Agent/Engine from the same host: User can choose to run both Console and Agent/Engine on the same host, so simply copy the to the root directory and unzip it.
3. Launch SimSANs Agent and Console GUI
SimSANs simulation (the Engine) is launched and controlled by Console GUI issuing management commands to the Agent, which further operates the simulation run and management at the backend. User is not required to manually run the Engine, neither is this recommended. Simply follow the steps below to launch and manage SimSANs simulations:
- Launch Agent: On the Agent host, launch management Agent binary (ROOT)\SimSANs_v3_MgmtAgent.exe either from command line or by shortcut if there's one created. Agent window then pops up.
- Get Agent Ready: The Agent window shows the host IP as well as the default listening TCP port, 10028, for accepting incoming requests form Console. It is not recommended to change the default TCP port unless there's port confliction. Simply click "Start Listening" button to get Agent ready to accept management commands.
- Launch Console: On the Console host, launch Console binary (ROOT)\SimSANs_v3_MgmtConsole.exe either from command line or by shortcut if there's one created. Console window then pops up.
- Connect Agent: User needs to input the Agent host IP as well as the TCP port (default 10028), then click "Connect" button to connecting the Agent host. Once connection is created successfully, connection status should shows "Connected", otherwise the error status shows up. The success connection will get a bunch of Engines listed in the "Back-end Engines" box, either Online Engines or Offline Engines. User then can follow section 4 to 8 to control those Engines.
From the "Offline Engines" category, choose the Engine to run, then right-click to choose "Start Engine" from the menu. This will get backend Engine simulation to launch. The following picture shows the start engine menu:
Once the Engine is launched successfully, the simulation begins running. The Engine then becomes Online Engine. Each online Engine will be assigned an unique non-zero ID, Online Engine ID, by the backend Agent. See the following picture:
Note: only Offline Engines can be launched. Existing Online Engines have to be terminated before re-launch.
Only Online Engine can be terminated. Right-click the Engine name to terminate and select "Terminate Engine" menu, this will get backend simulation to stop running. Upon successful termination, the Engine will go to "Offline Engine" category.
Please follow the steps below to add a new Engine:
- On the backend Agent host, go to directory (ROOT)\SimSANs_Engines\ and copy one of the existing Engine directories, for example, "Simple_FC_SAN" to a new directory and rename it to, say, "SS_ENGINE_03", the new Engine name. Note: Engine name cannot be larger than 15 characters.
- Go back to (ROOT) directory and create a new batch file, named "Start_new_engine_name.bat" (in this example, it will be Start_SS_ENGINE_03.bat) and put the following two lines into the bath file (please replace new_engine_name with the real Engine name)
- Close Agent utility and re-launch, then click "Start Listening" button to get Agent ready to populate new Engines to the Console.
- On the frontend Console host, close Console application and re-launch it, then click "Connect" button to connect to Agent, the newly created Engine will show up in the "Offline Engine" category.
- Now user can configure the new Engine and launch simulation run.
Currently "Create New Engine" involves some manual work on the backend Agent host. An "Add New Engine" menu will be added to the frontend Console to do the work automatically.
Configure SimSANs Engine requires a bit of SAN background knowledge, including but not limited to: SCSI Initiator, SCSI Target, WWN, FC SNS, Zoning, IO Patterns, etc. User can find them in FAQ page.
This section gives some basic ideas of how to configure Engine:
- Launch Engine Configuration: Right-click the Engine under "Offline Engines" category, and select "Config Engine" menu, the Engine configuration window will pop up. Note: only offline Engines can be configured, online Engine cannot configure until it is brought offline.
- Configure Host Properties: The host generic properties, HBA adapter ports, SCSI initiator attributes, IO generators, and CPU settings can be configured from here. Please select one of the hosts in the "Host Farm" box and then select the property from "Host Properties" box and configure it from "Config Item Settings" box. User is also able to add new hosts, delete hosts, and clone hosts. Note: only the last host can be deleted. To delete the host, right-click the host and select "Delete Host" menu. Also, existing IO Generators can be deleted or new IO Generators can be added. From the "Host Properties" box, right-click "IO Generators" category and select "Add New IO Generator" menu to add a new IO generator. Right-click any of existing IO generators and select "Remove IO Generator" menu to delete it.
- Configure Switch Properties: The switch generic properties, linecard module ports, and zone settings can be configured from here. Please select one of the switches in the "Switch Farm" box and then select the property from "Switch Properties" box and configure it from "Config Item Settings" box. User is also able to add new switches, delete switches, and clone switches. Note: only the last switch can be deleted. To delete the switch, right-click the switch and select "Delete Switch" menu. Also, existing zones can be deleted or new zones can be added. From the "Switch Properties" box, right-click the zone set name and select "(Zone Set) Add Zone" menu to add a new zone. Right-click any of existing zones and select "(Zone Set) Remove Zone" menu to delete it.
- Configure Device Properties: The storage device generic properties, CHIP (or FEIB) module ports, LUN configurations and assignments, Client assignment, and CPU settings can be configured from here. Please select one of the devices in the "Device Farm" box and then select the property from "Device Properties" box and configure it from "Config Item Settings" box. User is also able to add new devices, delete devices, and clone devices. Note: only the last device can be deleted. To delete the device, right-click the device and select "Delete Device" menu. Also, existing LUNs can be deleted or LUNs can be added. For the client assignment, initiators and targets can be specified to associate with the client, and LUNs can be assigned. See the following pictures for more details:
- Configure Matrix Links: This is where the link connections to be configured between Node Port (host or device port) and Fabric Port (switch port). A switch port layer will show up in "Switch Links" box for the switch selected in "Engine Farm" box. At most 8 Linecards (LC-0 to LC-7) can be configured, with each of which has at most 32 (0 to 31) ports configurable. The actual number of Linecards and ports per Linecard shall be specified in "LineCard Count" and "LineCard Port Count" in the "Switch Properties" box of "Config Switches" tab. There are three types of ports in terms of configurations: Configured Online Port (Green), Configured Offline Port (Yellow), and non-Configured port (Dark Gray). By clicking a configured online port, the "Config Links" box shows the link connection between this F_Port and the N_Port on the other side of the link. By clicking a configured offline port, the "Config Links" box shows this F_Port as well as a list of ports that user can select to connect to the switch. See the following pictures for details:
- Commit Engine Configurations: Once user is done with the configurations, simply click "Commit Engine Settings" to save the changes to the configuration files reside on the backend Agent host. Once Engine data is saved successfully the Agent will return a confirmation message, otherwise, error messages will be returned.
- Get Back to Console Main Windows: Simply close configuration window to get back to the Console main window. Note: any unsaved changes will be lost when exiting configuration window.
8. Monitor Live SimSANs Engine Run
Once an Engine simulation is launched, user can monitor the live simulation status for the following categories: SAN Port, SCSI Initiator, SCSI Target, SNS, Zone, and Fabric links. Please follow the instructions below:
- Get Engine Live Data: Engine live data has to be collected before checking the status of the above SAN categories. Right-click the Engine name you want to monitor in the "Online Engines" category from the "Back-end Engines" box and select "Get Live Engine Data" menu. Once the Engine data is returned, the Engine name as well as its entities will show up in the "Engine SAN Farms" box.
- Fabric Connections: This is for switch entity only so user needs to select one of the switches from the "Engine SAN Farms" box. From the "Switch Links" graph, select one of the ports: Green port means the cable connection between this Fabric port and remote Node port is online, and the port information shows up on the "Link End Ports" box. Yellow port means there's a cable connection created, however, the Node port is offline (laser is off).
- Name Servers (SNS): This is for switch entity only so user needs to select one of the switches from the "Engine SAN Farms" box. The following table shows the meanings of the basic SNS attributes.
- Zone Set and Zones: This is for switch entity only so user needs to select one of the switches from the "Engine SAN Farms" box. Only current active zone set along with its associated zones will be displayed. Simply click the zone name will get its zone members shown up in "Zone Members" box.
- SAN Port: This is where user can check SAN Port attributes, for example, link status and data rate, etc. Any of the three types of entities (host, switch, or device) can be selected from the "Engine SAN Farms" box. For host entity, it is the SAN Port in HBA Adapter Module. For switch entity, it is SAN Port in Linecard Module. For device entity, it is the SAN Port in FEIB (or CHIP) Module.
- SCSI Initiators: This is for host entity only so user needs to select one of the hosts from the "Engine SAN Farms" box. The SCSI Device list (in A:C:S:L format, i.e., adapter-channel-scsiid-lun) as well as initiator-target associations are displayed in the "SCSI Devices" box. Click one of the SCSI devices or LUNs will show the device properties in "SCSI Device Properties" box.
- SCSI Initiator IO Performance: For host entity, initiator device IO performance can be collected by click "Refresh Perf Data" button in the "IO Statistics" box. Currently on the backend simulation Engine, performance data is collected every 50ms (milliseconds). This time interval will later be made tunable in "General" tab. Note: IO Statistics data is also saved in the Engine directory in the backend Agent host. The file name is host[x].ioGen.stats, where x is the host index. The statistics file can be growing very large (several hundred mega-bytes to multiple giga-bytes) so user is highly suggested to reserve large disk spaces for the Engine directories.
- SCSI Targets: This is for device entity only so user needs to select one of the devices from the "Engine SAN Farms" box. Target LUNs, target controllers, and Client assignments are displayed in the "Client and Assignments" box. Click the LUN will get its attributes shown up in the "LUN Properties" box.
- SCSI Target IO Performance: Same as SCSI Initiator IO Performance except this is for device entity only.
- General Tab: Currently is under development. Some SimSANs simulation wide global parameters will be pub in here for user to tune it dynamically.
- Update Engine Data: To refresh and get the latest Engine data while the simulation is running, user has to issue "Get Engine Live Data" command again.